Welcome to Calvary Lutheran High School, where we are building Christian leaders! By partnering with families at the intersection of education and faith development, Calvary is a relational Christian community, engaging the world as servant leaders.
For 15 years, Calvary Lutheran High School has specialized in providing a high quality academic and Christ-centered experience to our students and their families. Our relationship-driven school sets us apart from others in mid-Missouri and makes the Calvary experience unique and memorable. Often times we refer to the “Calvary family.”
We endeavor to prepare our students to engage the world with a dynamic combination of faith and knowledge. Students are equipped in these areas inside and outside the classroom. Calvary students have opportunities to benefit from a smaller student-teacher ratio, but also through many extra-curricular sports, fine arts and activities. Having opportunities to develop as well-rounded individuals now prepares them to be more versatile as 21st century disciples of Jesus Christ.
You are invited to learn more about the distinction of Calvary. Explore our website, follow us on social media, visit our campus… experience what it means to “Be a Lion!”
Forward in Faith,
John Christman
Executive Director
Lutheran education at the elementary level has been a strong component of the Lutheran churches in the area since their beginning. Lutheran education at the secondary level began to take shape early in 2003 when a group of concerned members of the various Lutheran churches organized and conducted a professional feasibility study called the “Genesis Project”.
This study suggested that a Lutheran secondary school with an ultimate goal of approximately 400 students was not only appropriate but necessary. As a result of this study and the ensuing effort and planning of a large number of people, Calvary Lutheran High School was organized and began classes August 2005. Calvary Lutheran High School is one of approximately 120 high schools in the United States operated by Lutheran Church Missouri Synod congregations.
Calvary Lutheran High School is a relational Christian community engaging the world as servant leaders.
Partnering with families at the intersection of education and faith development.
All Calvary Lutheran High School programs and procedures are developed to meet or exceed normal State of Missouri Department of Education guidelines and typical regional accrediting standards.
Calvary is unconditionally accredited by National Lutheran Schools Accrediting Association. NLSA accreditation meets or exceeds requirements of Missouri Department of Elementary and Secondary Education.
Calvary Lutheran High School is governed by the Lutheran High School Association of Mid-Missouri, which is comprised of a group of local Lutheran congregations and whose representatives and delegates serve on this governing body. The members and pastors of these congregations work tirelessly to support the work of Calvary Lutheran through their time, talents, and treasures. Many Calvary events are held at these member congregations, including: opening services, concerts, and graduation exercises. Current member congregations of this association include:

Faith Lutheran
Faith Lutheran Church
2027 Industrial Drive
Jefferson City, Missouri 65109
Phone: 573-636-4602
Fax: 573-632-7739
Pastors: Rev. Rich Steensma

Grace Lutheran
Grace Lutheran Church
618 Halifax Rd
Holts Summit, MO 65043
Phone: 573-896-8824
Pastor: Rev. Michael Diener

Immanuel Lutheran
Immanuel Lutheran Church
8231 Tanner Bridge Rd.
Jefferson City, MO 65101
Phone: 573-496-3451
Fax: 573-496-9920
Associated School: Immanuel Lutheran School
Pastor: Rev. Steve Resner

St. Johns Lutheran Schubert
St. Johns Lutheran Church
4409 St. John’s Rd.
Jefferson City, MO 65101
Phone: 573-395-4591
Interim Pastor: Rev. Bart Mueller

St. Johns Lutheran Stringtown
St. Johns Lutheran Church
4420 Stringtown Rd.
Lohman, MO 65053
Pastor: Rev. Brian Whittle

Trinity Lutheran
Trinity Lutheran Church
803 Swifts Highway
Jefferson City, MO 65109
Phone: 573-636-6750
Fax: 573-636-5613
Associated School: Trinity Lutheran School
Pastors: Rev. Samuel Powell, Rev. Jessie Schlie